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Outside Spaces

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    Wells City Council currently employ a team led by the:

    Outside Spaces Officer, Matt Johnson  
    Cemetery Manager, Mark Culliford 

    whose prime responsibilities are:

    • The management and upkeep of Wells Cemetery providing the very best service and care in sympathetic surroundings. 
    • Support for the three Council run allotments in the City, 
    • Overseeing the annual Wells in Bloom planting and maintaining the impressive colourful display throughout the seasons showing our City at its best to the delight of citizens and tourists alike.
    • Annual Christmas light display that brings festive cheer to the City Centre – coordinating the installation of strings of lights that adorn the High Street, Broad Street and Queen Street. 
    • Dog waste bins – the Council has made provision of a number of bins along popular dog walking routes within the City boundary, the locations of which can be found here. If you spot a bin needing repair or being misused, or would like to suggest a site for an additional bin please contact the Town Hall on 01749 673091 or
    • Grit bins – the Council maintain 34 grit bins within the City boundary, keeping them replenished during winter months to help citizens continue through snow and ice safely. Their locations can be found on this map, if a bin near you requires attention please contact the Town Hall on 01749 673091 or

    Additionally, the Council have delegated authority from Somerset Council and the Highways Department to assist their teams by clearing gullies, maintain pathways through weed clearing and hedge cutting and litter picking, within the boundary of the City. 

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