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    14 December 2021

    Mayor's Diary 17/05/21

    Mayors Diary 17/05/21

    The Rev Sam Denyer, Vicar of St Cuthbert’s Church, gave a reading and a blessing.

    There was a minute's silence and the wreath was laid by Robin Dowdeswell, the President of the Wells branch of the Legion, who read an extract from the First World War poem For the Fallen: 

    "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.

    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.”

    Then everyone there said the next line in unison: "We will remember them."

    Afterwards the Mayor, Councillor Philip Welch, said: “The dedicated volunteers who run the Wells branch of the Royal British Legion deserve heartfelt respect from the city for all the support they have given local veterans since the branch was founded only weeks after the national organisation a century ago.”

    Mayor's Diary

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